Podiatry and Compounding are very well suited for each other.
Commercial products cannot or do not meet the unique requirements of treating many foot problems. From Diabetic Neuropathies to plantar fascitis Pavilion Compounding Pharmacists, in Atlanta, GA., provides many options that Podiatrists can offer their patients.
In addition to providing patients with innovative, effective compounds, our specialized expertise provides numerous Podiatry Practices with formulations for office treatment regimens, such as Cantharidin and Plus Topical Liquid, Podophyllum, or Immunotherapy using Squaric Acid.
Commonly Requested Podiatry Compounding Ideas:
Plantar Fascitis
- Ketoprofen 20%/Ibuprofen 2%/Ketamine 2%/clonidine
- 0/2%/Amitriptyline hcl 2%/guaifenesin2% Topical Lipoderm®
- Baclofen 5%/Ketoprofen 10%/Lidocaine 5%/ Gabapentin 5% in Topical Lipoderm®
- Ketoprofen 10-20%/ Cyclobenzaprine 2% in Topical Lipoderm®
Nail Fungus
- Fluconazole 1%/ DMSO Topical Solution
- 8% Ciclopirox/ 40% Urea/ 0.1% Betamethasone Solution (Stoll’s Mixture)
- 2% Clotrimazole in DMSO Solution in a Nail Polish Brush Bottle
- 1% Itraconazole/Ibuprofen 2% in DMSO Nail Polish
Diabetic Toes
- Nifedipine 4%-16% in Lipoderm® also known as (Toe Butter)
- Pentoxifylline 5 to 15% Transdermal Cream
- Ketamine 10%/Gabapentin 6%/Clonidine 0.2%/Nifedipine 2% Transdermal
Raynaud’s Phenomenon
- Nitric Oxide Generating System Sodium Nitrite 5% Gel
Foot Cramp Relief
- Guaifenesin 2 to 10% in Transdermal Lipoderm®
- Magnesium Chloride 10%/Peppermint 1% Topical Cream
Diabetic Neuropathy
- Amitriptyline 2%/Baclofen 5%/Ketamine 5%/Ketoprofen 10% Lipoderm®
- Amitriptyline 2%/Ketoprofen 2-10%/carbamazepine 2% in Lipoderm®